Monday, January 30, 2006

Feeling Disconnected! (Part 1)

The Herrera Associates phones were inexplicably turned off today by Mpower Communications. I did not discover this until late in the afternoon when I attempted to call and retrieve my voicemail messages. As I dialed and was greeted by the proverbial "the number you called has been temporarily disconnected". Aaarrrggghhhh!

Now, Mpower has to be the worst telecommunications company ever and I probably deserve this for not having discontinued their service a long time ago and simply switched to one of the main telcos. I admit that I'm a creature of habit and rarely make changes add to this the fact that I often procrastinate and you can understand my current dilema. Okay,...but, back to solving the issue of my disconnected phones, I gather myself and quickly decide to call Mpower to get this matter resolved.

Being that I'm not in my office I have no point of reference, no Customer Service number to call, I don't know what my account number is, nothing, zilch, nada, nothing but a bunch of disconnected phone lines.

I start to consider my options, I could drive all the way to my office dig up a billing statement and locate my account number. As I think of my options, I consider one of my lifelines, which happens to be my partner Lavalle who co-owns Datahouser LLC with me. At onetime Lavalle helped me operate Herrera Associates and he is very organized. Lavalle is so organized that despite the fact he has not actively helped me with Herrera Associates, I was still quite sure that he would have the information I needed. I called Lavalle at home and "Bingo", yeah Baby....he's got the info. After a quick explanation to Lavalle a few minutes later I'm navigating Mpower's phone menu options and get the following recording, "Our Customer Service hours are from 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. please hang up and call us during those hours".

I get back on the phone with Lavalle if only to vent my frustration at not reaching Mpower's Customer Service and having to wait until tomorrow morning to resolve this matter. Lavalle does a quick check online at our account and informs me everything looks fine and it's still a mystery as to why our phones have been disconnected.

It is 11:38 p.m. on Monday night as I write this post. Tomorrow morning I will call Mpower and it remains to be seen how they will address this matter and take the corrective action necessary.

Part 2 of my saga will be posted tomorrow. If you are interested in how this saga progresses just call (714) 542-5996.


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